Monday 9 March 2015

Floating with The Boat Barge

In these chilly days with a biting wind I prefer to read and dream about boating instead of freezing my exposed parts.
So after starting to browse Waterways World Annual with its canal map and favourable comments about every canal and river, I rediscovered "The Bookshop That Floated Away" by Sarah Henshaw. I'd popped it on my shelf for future reading and it popped out again to remind me this was a good time to be read. Some books are good like that. And this book is well worth reading, especially if you like narrow boats and books. It's an eccentric read by a self-deprecating writer with some fascinating turns of phrase and good quirky stories to tell.
Look out for the narrow boat if it comes your way, check her progress at The Book Barge site, buy and read the book - you'll find it amusing and you'll get to like the author with her erratic approaches to steering, mooring and safety, her honest descriptions of operating locks at the limit of exhaustion and her determinedly non-business-like approach to selling (could swapping a couple of books for a Victoria sponge ever be financially profitable?). I enjoyed the book, relished her quirky written style and liked the author. I hope she has found love with the ever-patient and romantic Stu (stick with him love!)

It's also reminded me that I should re-read Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Best of luck to Sarah, currently enjoying the delights of Kerala waterways (as I saw in this photo in 2010, a darn sight warmer than The Grand Union in March).

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