Saturday, 11 June 2011

Narrowboating and Bellringing

One of John's other hobbies is bellringing. He hadn't remotely considered the possibility of linking narrowboating with bellringing until he happened to notice in 'The Ringing World' for June 10th a record of a quarter peal rung on handbells on nb Copperkins, at Milford on the Staffs and Worcs Canal. The quarter peal, rung on 14th May, was 1283 changes of St Clements Bob Minor, rung on 6 handbells by 3 ringers to celebrate a forthcoming wedding. Food for thought - perhaps something can be organised on Patience one of these days!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, as here:

    We started canalling when as student bellringers we went on a tour which happened to be on two hired seventyfoot narrowboats. The two addictions go very well together: last week we called into PierHead Liverpool
    for Sunday morning ringing when we were moored there.

    Give us a wave on Copperkins!

